Counts as community service

Regular reader, Hannah was good enough to donate 45 minutes to the cause. This should be a reminder to all of us that if everybody contributes just a little time and does their part, we can make a world of progress. And just think of the tax write-off you can get. When you sponsor a rumer photograph, you are giving that picture hope.

Hannah wishes us luck on our noble cause, and to Hannah we tip our knitted beanies in thanks.

Face for Radio

We are staffing up in preparation for Rumer’s upcoming movie, as she will be making more appearances than normal. I mean, appearances that will actually be promoting something other than Playskool Potato Heads and nepotism.

That’s one way to do it

Kudos to Rumer’s fake hair. Thanks for making our job easier!

A new angle

It’s refreshing to see Rumer’s beauty from a different angle for once.  It gives our laboratory more complete three-dimensional data for more accurate facial remapping. Turn yourself about Rumer, don’t be shy, we can take it!

Getting the hang of things

Either we are getting better at this or Rumer is getting prettier. One of us did this edit in the span of only one phone call. Of course, it was a call to Time Warner so it was 3 hour call.


If it were up to us, we probably would have changed her sweater as well. That being said:

No words

Faux Hawk

Rumer has kept her hair color and length the same for a while, so we were able to develop some algorithms that will be able to pump out more of these “fixes” at a faster rate.

Please close your mouth

It’s just not flattering and it makes our job like 10 times harder.

Who IS this

Clearly someone beat us to the punch. Judging from the picture, she hasn’t taken up self portraiture, as the lens is still in tact. But seriously, Rumer is so artsy with her camera.